History and Hermeneutics for Mathematics Education

Storia ed Ermeneutica per la Didattica della Matematica



Giorgio T. BAGNI


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

University of Udine

Polo Rizzi, Via delle Scienze 206, I-33100 Udine (Italy)

Phone: (+39) 0432 558455

Fax: (+39) 0432 558499

e-mail: bagni@dimi.uniud.it

Private address:

Via Venanzio 28, I-31100 Treviso (Italy)

Phone and fax: (+39) 0422 432763

e-mail: gtbagni@tin.it



¨ Giorgio Tomaso Bagni (1958, Milano, Italy): degree in Mathematics, University of Padova (Italy); post-graduate courses: in Numerical Analysis (University of Calabria, Rende, Italy) and in Computer Science (IBM Novedrate, Milano). He is Assistant Professor (Ricercatore universitario confermato) in Complementary Mathematics (Mat-04): Department of Mathematics, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (since 2000 to 2004) and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine (since 2004).


¨ Teaching position (university):


1994-95    Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics in the postgraduate course in Didactics of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna (Italy).

1995-96    Teaching contract Professor of History of Mathematics for Didactics of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna.

1997-98    Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics in the postgraduate course in Didactics of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna.

Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics in the postgraduate course in Didactics of Mathematics, University of Querètaro (Mexico).

Teaching Assistant of Didactics of Mathematics in the postgraduate course in Didactics of Mathematics, University of Querètaro.

1998-99    Teaching contract Professor of History of Mathematics for Didactics of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna.

1999-00    Teaching Professor of History and Epistemology of Mathematics in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of Udine (Italy).

Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics in the postgraduate course in Didactics of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna.

2000-01    Teaching Assistant of “Istituzioni di Matematica” (degree in Biology), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

2001-02    Teaching Professor of Mathematical Logic (degree in Computer Science), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Assistant of Calculus and Biostatistics (degree in Biology), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics workshop in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Professor in Introductory courses of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

2002-03    Teaching Professor of Mathematical Logic (degree in Computer Science), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Assistant of Calculus and Biostatistics (degree in Biology), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics workshop in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Professor in Introductory courses of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

2003-04    Teaching Professor of Mathematical Logic (degree in Computer Science), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Assistant of Calculus and Biostatistics (degree in Biology), University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

Teaching Professor of History of Mathematics workshop in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of RomeLa Sapienza”.

2004-05    Teaching Professor of History of Science (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Educational Computer Science Workshop (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

2005-06    Teaching Professor of Mathematics 1 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics 2 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Educational Computer Science Workshop (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Geometry, Alta Scuola Pedagogica, Locarno (Switzerland).

Teaching Professor of History and Epistemology of Mathematics in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of Udine.

2006-07    Teaching Professor of Mathematics 1 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics 2 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Educational Computer Science Workshop (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of History and Epistemology of Mathematics in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of History and Epistemology of Mathematics, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Arithmetic and Number Theory, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Complements of Mathematics – Artifacts and learning, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics Workshop – Artifacts and learning, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

2007-08    Teaching Professor of Mathematics 1 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics 2 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Educational Computer Science Workshop (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Social Statistics, part 1 (degree in Scienze e tecnologie multimediali), University of Udine, centre of Pordenone.

Teaching Professor of History and Epistemology of Mathematics in the postgraduate School for Perspective Teachers SSIS, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of History and Epistemology of Mathematics, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Arithmetic and Number Theory, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Complements of Mathematics – Artifacts and learning, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics Workshop – Artifacts and learning, University Master Course in Didactics of Sciences, University of Udine.

2008-09    Teaching Professor of Mathematics 1 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics 2 (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Didactics of Mathematics (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Educational Computer Science (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Educational Computer Science Workshop (degree in Scienze della Formazione), University of Udine.

Teaching Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (degree in Scienze e tecnologie multimediali), University of Udine, centre of Pordenone.

Teaching Professor of Intercultural Educational Approaches: Scientific Area, Master Course in Intercultural Education, University of Macerata.


He gave lectures in university courses in History of Mathematics, Calculus II, Philosophy of Language.


¨ He is member of “Gruppo Nazionale per le Strutture Algebriche, Geometriche e le loro Applicazioni”, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi, (Rome, Italy, since 2001). He was member of the “Commissione per il Corso di Laurea Interfacoltà di Filosofia”, University of Udine (2005–2008). He is member of the “Collegio Docenti del Dottorato in Comunicazione Multimediale”, University of Udine (since 2007) and of the “Consiglio del Master universitario di II livello in Didattica delle Scienze”, University of Udine (since 2006). Since 2008 he is co–Director, with Marisa Michelini, of the “Master universitario di II livello in Didattica delle Scienze”, University of Udine.


¨ He is member of the “Consiglio di Presidenza” of the Centro Ricerche Didattiche U. Morin (Paderno del Grappa, Treviso, Italy, since 2007). Since 1999 to 2002 he was President of the Academy “Ateneo di Treviso” (Treviso), legally recognized by Italian Department of Culture (he is Full Member of the Academy since 1996 and Honorary Member since 2003). Since 2001 to 2002 he was editor at “Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani” for the History of Sciences (Storia della Scienza, vol. VI, L’età dei Lumi, Rome 2002) and in 2007 for Treccani Scuola. Since 1990 to 2000 he was member of the “Nucleo di Ricerca in Didattica della Matematica”, Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna. Since 1986 to 2000 he was teacher of Mathematics and Physics at Liceo Scientifico (High School) of Treviso; he is legally qualified as Mathematics and Physics teacher (High School) since 1991.


¨ He is member of the Scientific Board of the journal “Bollettino dei Docenti di Matematica” (Bellinzona, Switzerland) and of the Editorial Board of the journal “Progetto Alice” (Rome). He was member of the scientific Board of Direction of the conferences “Incontri con la Matematica” n. 10, 11, 12, Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna, 1996, 1997, 1998) and member of the Editorial Board of CERME-5 (5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Larnaca, Cyprus, 2007). He gave accepted lectures of Didactics of Mathematics and of History of Mathematics in several national meetings and in the following international study conferences:


·                  GIRP-20, 1991 (Locarno, Switzerland).

·                  Incontri con la Matematica n. 10, Castel San Pietro (Bologna), 1996: plenary.

·                  II Italian-Greek Meeting on Didactics of Mathematics, 1997 (Italian Institute-Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece).

·                  ICMI Study, 1998 (Luminy, Marseille, France).

·                  CERME-1, 1998 (Osnabrück, Germany).

·                  MCOTS-2, 1999 (Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA).

·                  International Conference on Mathematics Education into the XXI Century, 1999 (Cairo, Egypt).

·                  MED-CONF, 2000 (Nicosia, Cyprus).

·                  Erasmus Meeting on Didactics of Mathematics, 2000 (Nicosia, Cyprus).

·                  Jordan Conference, 2000 (Amman).

·                  First International GIREP Seminar, 2001 (Udine).

·                  SFIDA-18, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2002 (Torino).

·                  SFIDA-19, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2002 (Nice, France).

·                  CERME-3, 2003 (Bellaria).

·                  SFIDA-20, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2003 (Torino).

·                  XVII Congresso Unione Matematica Italiana, 2003 (Milano).

·                  OeMG Tagung 2003, VIII Meeting Austrian Mathematical Society (Bolzano).

·                  SFIDA-21, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2003 (Nice, France).

·                  SFIDA-22, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2004 (Genova).

·                  ICME-10, Copenhagen, 2004, Topic Study Group 17, Discussion Group 6, Thematic Afternoon C.

·                  HPM-04, Uppsala, 2004.

·                  XXXIII Seminario Nazionale Centro Ricerche Didattiche Ugo Morin”, Paderno del Grappa, 2004: plenary.

·                  Incontri con la Matematica n. 18, Castel San Pietro (Bologna), 2004: plenary.

·                  SFIDA-23, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2004 (Nice, France).

·                  CERME-4, 2005 (S. Feliu de Guixols, Barcelona, Spain).

·                  SFIDA-24, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2005 (Torino).

·                  SFIDA-25, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2005 (Nice, France).

·                  XXXIV Seminario Nazionale Centro Ricerche Didattiche Ugo Morin”, Paderno del Grappa, 2005: plenary.

·                  SFIDA-26, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2006 (Genova).

·                  Joint Meeting UMI-SIMAI / SMAI-SMF “Mathematics and its Applications”, Panel on Didactics of Mathematics, 2006 (Torino).

·                  29th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2006.

·                  6th Conference Italian Society for the History of Mathematics, 2006 (Napoli): lecture with Luis Radford.

·                  CERME-5, 2007 (Larnaca, Cyprus): co-organiser of the Working Group 6 “Algebraic Thinking”.

·                  SFIDA-27, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2007 (Nice, France).

·                  XXXVI Seminario Nazionale Centro Ricerche Didattiche Ugo Morin”, Paderno del Grappa, 2007: plenary.

·                  SFIDA-28, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2007 (Genova).

·                  Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of ICMI, Roma 2008 (Accademia dei Lincei), invited lecture in “Afternoon for Italian Teachers”.

·                  SFIDA-29, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2008 (Nice, France).

·                  UMI-CIIM conference 2008, Rome: invited lecture.

·                  Incontri con la Matematica n. 22, Castel San Pietro (Bologna), 2008: plenary.

·                  SFIDA-30, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2008 (Nice, France).

·                  CERME-6, 2009 (Lyon, France): Chief Organiser of the Working Group 4 “Algebraic Thinking”.

·                  XXVI Seminario Nazionale di Ricerca in Didattica della Matematica, Rimini, 2009: plenary.

·                  SFIDA-31, Séminaire Franco-Italien de Didactique de l’Algèbre, 2009 (Torino).

·                  XXXVIII Seminario Nazionale Centro Ricerche Didattiche Ugo Morin”, Paderno del Grappa, 2009: plenary.

·                  Incontri con la Matematica n. 23, Castel San Pietro (Bologna), 2009: plenary.


Last update: 2009, May 20th


History and Hermeneutics for Mathematics Education

(Giorgio T. Bagni, Editor)

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